GBA News Blog

The Green Button Alliance’s blog features news and updates from the GBA, GBA member companies, and the Industry.

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GBA Welcomes Smart-Sun as a New Participating Member! Smart-Sun empowers Solar EPC contractors and Operation & Maintenance teams to automatically...

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The GBA recently announced it has tested and Certified over 75 utility-provided Green Button® Connect My Data® (CMD) and Download My Data® (DMD)...

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The GBA has a new website and Member Experience. Learn more.

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GBA Welcomes BOMA Canada and Duquesne Light Company as New Members

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The GBA Welcomes 2023 Board of Directors. GBA Directors Collaborate to Drive Open, Standards-based Energy Data Access.

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In recognition of the 1-year mark of Ontario's visionary energy data policy, GBA's AGM featured Green Button leaders, including the Minister of...

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GBA Welcomes New Sponsor Member Con Edison!

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The Green Button Alliance is now accepting nominations from its Participating Member companies to fill two seats on the Green Button...

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The GBA, through its comprehensive Green Button Testing and Certification program, has tested and certified several new utility-provided energy data...

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Welcome New Memers JOMAR Softcorp; Walker Miller Energy Services; Nova Scotia Power; and ERTH Corporation!

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It is with heavy heart we share that Barry Haaser, co-founder and first Executive Director of the GBA, from its inception in 2015 until his...

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The GBA held a “Green Button Solutions Showcase & Ask the Experts” session on 24 May on-site at DistribuTECH International in Dallas, Texas &...

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