Data-Access Initiatives

The Green Button Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, filing federally in the U.S. as a 501(c)(4).  Lobbying is outside the GBA’s charter. When requested, the GBA assists commissions, governments, and others interested in understanding or implementing Green Button solutions by providing education and helping legislators and regulators understand Green Button technology and benefits. The GBA also maintains and shares news about data-access initiatives. 


Today, several U.S. States are in process of developing data-access policies, or have already mandated utilities provide standards-based Green Button solutions for customers:

U.S. Initiatives


Ontario has been at the forefront of Green Button adoption in Canada since its inception; with 2023 being the Year of Green Button in Ontario. Nova Scotia and other provinces are now joining the movement also.

Learn more about the activities in Canada:

Canadian Initiatives


Europe has been working on laying the ground rules for the usage-data sharing of utilities in EU member states.  Read the latest announcements:

European Initiatives


The Republic of Korea (South Korea) has been interested in the Green Button standards for many years.  Through an agreement between the Korea Smart Grid Association (KSGA) and the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB), the version 3.3 Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) standard (the core of Green Button) was converted into the Korean language.

For more information, please visit our Korean Initiatives page:

Korean Initiatives


Other countries are also considering Green Button. Look to GBA’s Policy Watch blog for news:

Policy Watch