[FB_51] Retail Customer Common

[FB_51] Retail Customer Common is a mandatory Function Block for CMD and DMD certifications.  It verifies the data being tested contains the minimum required Atom Protocol and ESPI elements. 

Certification Tests performed for [FB_51] Retail Customer Common.  Certification tests verify the data contains the correct Certification Identifier that was assigned as part of the CMD and DMD Certification Application processing.
Test ID XML Data Element Tested Expected Results
  • <atom:feed/atom:link> rel="related" href=
  • <espi:ApplicationInformation>

The CMD Certification Platform requests the ApplicationInformation resource and verifies

  • The response contains a "200" status code
  • The response complies with the espi.xsd schema
  • The response contains a properly formatted GBA Certification link
  • The GBA Certification link contains the assigned CMD Certification Identifier
  • The response contains only one GBA Certification link
  • The response contains an <espi:ApplicationInformation> resource
  • <atom:feed/atom:link> rel="related" href=
  • <espi:Authorization>

The CMD Certification Platform requests an Authorization feed and verifies

  • The response contains a "200" status code
  • The response complies with the espi.xsd schemaThe response contains a properly formatted GBA Certification link
  • The GBA Certification link contains the assigned CMD Certification Identifier
  • The response contains only one GBA Certification link
  • The response contains an <espi:Authorization> resource
  • <atom:feed/atom:link> rel="related" href=
  • <espi:Authorization>

The CMD Certification Platform requests an Authorization entry and verifies

  • The response contains a "200" status code
  • The response complies with the espi.xsd schemaThe response contains a properly formatted GBA Certification link
  • The GBA Certification link contains the assigned CMD Certification Identifier
  • The response contains only one GBA Certification link
  • The response contains an <espi:Authorization> resource
  • <atom:feed/atom:link> rel="related" href=
  • <espi:UsagePoint>

The CMD Certification Platform requests an /Batch/Subscription and verifies

  • The response contains a "200" status code
  • The response complies with the espi.xsd schemaThe response contains a properly formatted GBA Certification link
  • The GBA Certification link contains the assigned CMD Certification Identifier
  • The response contains only one GBA Certification link
  • The response contains an <espi:Customer> resource
Test ID XML Data Element Tested Expected Results
RC_FB51_DE_001 <atom:feed>

Verify there is a <atom:feed> entry

RC_FB51_DE_002 feed <atom:id>

Verify the feed entry contains an ID entry
Verify the feed ID entry is a valid UUID type 3 or 5

RC_FB51_DE_003 feed <atom:title>

Verify the feed entry contains a <atom:title> entry

RC_FB51_DE_004 feed <atom:updated>

Verify the feed entry contains a <atom:updated> entry

RC_FB51_DE_005 <atom:id>

Verify all ID entry values are unique

RC_FB51_DE_006 <cust:LocalTimeParameters>

Verify there is a LocalTimeParameters entry

RC_FB51_DE_007 LocalTimeParameters <atom:id>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains an ID entry
Verify the LocalTimeParameters ID entry is a valid UUID type 3 or 5

RC_FB51_DE_008 LocalTimeParameters <atom:title>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains a title entry

RC_FB51_DE_009 LocalTimeParameters <atom:link rel='self' href=>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains a "self" link entry
Verify the LocalTimeParameters "self" link entry references a LocalTimeParameters
Verify the LocalTimeParameters "self" link entry contains a valid Identifier

RC_FB51_DE_010 LocalTimeParameters <atom:link rel='self' href=>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters "self" link href= entry is unique

RC_FB51_DE_011 LocalTimeParameters <atom:link rel='up' href=>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains a "up" link entry
Verify the LocalTimeParameters "up" link references a LocalTimeParameters
Verify the LocalTimeParameters "up" link does NOT contain an Identifier

RC_FB51_DE_012 LocalTimeParameters <atom:link rel='related' href=>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains a "related" link entry referencing at least one Customer entry

RC_FB51_DE_013 LocalTimeParameters <atom:published>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains a published entry

RC_FB51_DE_014 LocalTimeParameters <atom:updated>

Verify the LocalTimeParameters entry contains an updated entry

RC_FB51_DE_015 <cust:Customer>

Verify there is a Customer entry

RC_FB51_DE_016 Customer <atom:id>

Verify the Customer entry contains an ID entry
Verify the Customer ID entry is a valid UUID type 3 or 5

RC_FB51_DE_017 Customer <atom:title>

Verify the Customer entry contains a title entry

RC_FB51_DE_018 Customer <atom:link rel='self' href=>

Verify the Customer entry contains a "self" link entry
Verify the Customer "self" link entry references a Customer
Verify the Customer "self" link entry contains a valid Identifier

RC_FB51_DE_019 Customer <atom:link rel='self' href=>

Verify the Customer "self" link href= entry is unique

RC_FB51_DE_020 Customer <atom:link rel='up' href=>

Verify the Customer entry contains a "up" link entry
Verify the Customer "up" link references a Customer
Verify the Customer "up" link does NOT contain an Identifier

RC_FB51_DE_021 Customer <atom:link rel='related' href=>

Verify the Customer entry contains a "related" link entry referencing only one LocalTimeParameters entry

RC_FB51_DE_022 Customer <atom:published>

Verify the Customer entry contains a published entry

RC_FB51_DE_023 Customer <atom:updated>

Verify the Customer entry contains an updated entry

There are no CMD Certification Format Category Tests
There are no CMD Certification Cyber Security Category Tests