Resource Content
Resource Content
NAESB REQ.21 ESPI Ver. 3.3
The ApplicationInformation resource exists for each Third Party application that completes the Data Custodian registration process. It is the responsibility of the Data Custodian to maintain the resource structure and must provide all required and known optional elements on demand. The ApplicationInformation resource is accessed via the Data Custodian application's ApplicationInformation API interface by a Third Party's using the "registration" access token assigned during the registration process or generated by the Third-Party using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow with a scope= parameter value of "FB=36_40".
This interface support is required for any Data Custodian application to obtain the Green Button Data Custodian Connect My Data (CMD) certification.
Elements of the ApplicationInformation resource that are required for a Data Custodian application to obtain the Green Button Data Custodian Connect My Data (CMD) Certification appear BOLD in the Element column of the following table. The Sample Content column of the table shows values defined by the North American Energy Standards Board's (NAESB) Energy Service Provider Interface (ESPI - REQ.21) Version 4.0 standard. Element entries with "DEPRECATED" shown above the entry should not be used for new implementations and may be removed from the ApplicationInformation content in a future standard update.
Provided By |
Element | Description | Sample Content |
Data Custodian | dataCustodianId | A value provided by the Data Custodian to a Third Party during the Third-Party application registration process to identify the Data Custodian application during the OAuth 2.0 access token process |
<dataCustodianId> XYZ_Electric </dataCustodianId> |
Data Custodian | dataCustodian ApplicationStatus |
A code indicating the current status of the Data Custodian application Defined types are: 1 - Review 2 - Production 3 - On Hold 4 - Revoked |
<dataCustodianApplicationStatus> 2 </dataCustodianApplicationStatus> |
Third Party | thirdParty ApplicationDescription |
A description of the Third Party Application |
<thirdPartyApplicationDescription> NAESB ESPI CMD Certification Test Harness </thirdPartyApplicationDescription> |
Third Party | thirdParty ApplicationStatus |
A code indicating the current status of the Third Party application Defined types are: 1 - Development 2 - Review / Test 3 - Production (Live) 4 - Retired (Remove) |
<thirdPartyApplicationStatus> 3 </thirdPartyApplicationStatus> |
Third Party | thirdParty ApplicationType |
A code indicating the type of the Third Party application Defined types are: 1 - Web 2 - Desktop 3 - Mobile 4 - Device |
<thirdPartyApplicationType> 1 </thirdPartyApplicationType> |
Third Party | thirdParty ApplicationUse |
A code indicating the expected use of the Third Party application Defined types are: 1 - Energy Management 2 - Comparisons 3 - Government 4 - Academic 5 - Law Enforcement |
<thirdPartyApplicationUse> 1 </thirdPartyApplicationUse> |
Third Party | thirdParty Phone |
The phone number at which the Third Party can be reached (For debugging - not to be shared with customers) |
<thirdPartyPhone> +1 (440) 123-4567 x2341 </thirdPartyPhone |
Data Custodian | authorization ServerUri |
Contains the base URI of the Data Custodian's Authorization Server |
<authorizationServerUri> https://sandbox. </authorizationServerUri> |
Third Party | thirdParty NotifyUri |
Contains the URI the Third Party Application uses to be notified by the Data Custodian it has updated information available for the Third Party application |
<thirdPartyNotifyUri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/espi/1_1/Notification </thirdPartyNotifyUri> |
Data Custodian | authorizationServer AuthorizationEndpoint |
Contains the URI of the Data Custodian's Authorization Server's OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint |
<authorizationServerAuthorizationEndpoint> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/oauth/authorize </authorizationServerAuthorizationEndpoint> |
Data Custodian | authorizationServer RegistrationEndpoint |
Contains the URI of the Data Custodian's Application used to allow Third Party applications to register using the OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol (IETF RFC 7591) |
<authorizationServerRegistrationEndpoint> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/espi/1_1/register </authorizationServerRegistrationEndpoint> |
Data Custodian | authorizationServer TokenEndpoint |
Contains the URI of the Data Custodian's Authorization Server's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint |
<authorizationServerTokenEndpoint> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/oauth/token </authorizationServerTokenEndpoint> |
Data Custodian | dataCustodian BulkRequestURI |
Contains the URI of the Data Custodian Application's Bulk Request API |
<dataCustodianBulkRequestURI> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/espi/1_1/resource/ Batch/Bulk/{BulkID} </dataCustodianBulkRequestURI> |
Data Custodian | dataCustodian ResourceEndpoint |
Contains the URI of the Data Custodian Application's Resource Endpoint |
<dataCustodianResourceEndpoint> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/espi/1_1/resource </dataCustodianResourceEndpoint> |
Third Party | thirdParty |
Contains the URI of the Third Party Application's Scope Selection Screen used during the OAuth 2.0 Authorization process for the retail customer to indicate what Data Custodian information they desire to share with the Third Party |
<thirdPartyScopeSelectionScreenURI> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/espi/1_1/ RetailCustomer/ScopeSelection </thirdPartyScopeSelectionScreenURI> |
Third Party | thirdParty UserPortal ScreenURI |
Contains the URI of the Third Party Application's home page used by the Data Custodian application to redirect retail customer browser to the Third Party application if they initiate the OAuth 2.0 Authorization process at the Data Custodian |
<thirdPartyUserPortalScreenURI> https://sandbox. ThirdParty </thirdPartyUserPortalScreenURI> |
Data Custodian | client_secret | A value assigned by the Data Custodian to a Third Party after it has successfully registered a Third Party application used with the client_id to verify the registered Third Party application during the OAuth 2.0 access token process |
<client_secret> a787e90b13c34c07a988b15acaaf 5b09 </client_secret> |
Third Party | logo_uri | Contains the URI of a logo image the Data Custodian application can use to denote the Third Party application. Sizes greater than 180 x 120 may be cropped or reduced by the Data Custodian application |
<logo_uri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/resources/ico/ favicon.png </logo_uri> |
Third Party | client_name | The name of the Third Party Application |
<client_name> GBA Sandbox Third Party Application </client_name> |
Third Party | client_uri | Contains the URI of the Third Party application's home page |
<client_uri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty </client_uri> |
Third Party | redirect_uri | Contains the URI of the Third Party application's OAuth 2.0 redirect URI used during the OAuth 2.0 authorization process |
<redirect_uri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/espi/1_1/OAuthCallBack </redirect_uri> |
Data Custodian | client_id | A value assigned by the Data Custodian to a Third Party after it has successfully registered a Third Party application used with the client_secret to verify the registered Third Party application during the OAuth 2.0 access token process |
<client_id> 9c9db266dc784067969fe9a90ec2 aa10 </client_id> |
Third Party | tos_uri | Contains the URI of a Third Party application's Term of Service webpage |
<tos_uri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/TermsOfService </tos_uri> |
Third Party | policy_uri | Contains the URI of a Third Party application's Usage Policy |
<policy_uri> https://sandbox. ThirdParty/UsagePolicy <policy_uri> |
Third Party | software_id | A value assigned by the Third Party that identifies the registered Third Party application. The value of this element MAY be a UUID (IETF RFC 4122) |
<software_id> a5dee759-9acc-498d-9b6a- b5097c920008 </software_id> |
Third Party | software_ version |
A value assigned by the Third Party that denotes the current version of the Third Party application. It should change whenever the Third Party application is updated |
<software_version> Version 1.00.00 </software_version> |
Data Custodian | client_id_ issued_at |
Contains the Date Time the Data Custodian issued the Third Party application the value found in the client_id element. |
<client_id_issued_at> 1470948388 </client_id_issued_at> |
Data Custodian | client_secret_ expires_at |
Contains the Date Time the Data Custodian issued client_secret element expires. A value of "0" indicates the issued client_secret never expires. |
<client_secret_expires_at> 2147483647 </client_secret_expires_at> |
Third Party | contacts | Array of e-mail addresses for people responsible for the Third Party application. These MAY be made available to retail customers for support requests. The Data Custodian may use the addresses as contacts for Third Party application assistance on a Third Party administrative webpage. |
<contacts> </contacts> |
Data Custodian | contacts | <contacts> </contacts> |
Data Custodian | token_endpoint_ auth_method |
The OAuth 2.0 authentication method used by the Data Custodian Authorization Server's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint Defined types are: client_secret_basic |
<token_endpoint_auth_method> client_secret_basic </token_endpoint_auth_method> |
Data Custodian | scope | Space separated list of scope values the Third Party application my use during the OAuth 2.0 access token process Note: Only 1 scope string is required |
<scope> FB=1_3_4_5_8_10_13_14_15_18_ 19_31_32_35_37_38_39_40; IntervalDuration=900_3600_86400; BlockDuration=Daily; HistoryLength=63072000; SubscriptionFrequency=Daily; BR=50036; </scope> |
Data Custodian | scope | <scope> FB=10; IntervalDuration=2592000; BlockDuration=monthly; HistoryLength=13 </scope> |
Data Custodian | scope | <scope> FB=4_5;IntervalDuration=3600; BlockDuration=daily; HistoryLength=13 </scope> |
Data Custodian | scope | <scope> FB=11;IntervalDuration=2592000; BlockDuration=monthly; HistoryLength=13 </scope> |
Data Custodian | grant_types | OAuth 2.0 grant_types supported by the Data Custodian application during the OAuth 2.0 access token process Defined types are: authorization_code client_credentials refresh_token Note: All three types MUST be supported |
<grant_types> authorization_code </grant_types> |
Data Custodian | grant_types | <grant_types> client_credentials </grant_types> |
Data Custodian | grant_types | <grant_types> refresh_token </grant_types> |
Data Custodian | response_types | Oauth 2.0 response_types supported by the Data Custodian application during the OAuth 2.0 access token process Defined types are: code |
<response_types> code </response_types> |
Data Custodian | registration_ client_uri |
Contains the Data Custodian application's URI value a Third Party application uses to manage the ApplicationInformation Resource elements provided by the Third Party during the Third Party registration process |
<registration_client_uri> https://sandbox. greenbuttonalliance. org:8443/DataCustodian/espi/1_1/ resource/ApplicationInformation/ {ApplicationInformationID} </registration_client_uri> |
Data Custodian | registration_ access_token |
An OAuth 2.0 access token provided to the Third Party by the Data Custodian during the Third Party application registration process used to access the ApplicationInformation resource |
<registration_access_token> fe82518d-e325-404e-978c- c02f9339bccc </registration_access_token> |
Data Custodian | dataCustodian |
The URI value of the Data Custodian application's Scope Selection screen used by a retail customer to pre-negotiate the Oauth 2.0 authorization scope values the retail customer may authorize the Third Party application to access |
<dataCustodianScopeSelectionScreen> https://sandbox. DataCustodian/RetailCustomer/ ScopeSelection?ThirdPartyID= {client_id} </dataCustodianScopeSelectionScreen> |
The call to receive an XML representation of all Application Information would be structured like this example and use the data_custodian_access_token
GET /espi/1_1/resource/ApplicationInformation
The resultant Data Custodian returned information might look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""
<link href="" rel="related" type="espi-entry/Subscription"/>
<title>Green Button Usage Feed</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="related" type="text/html"/>
<link href="" rel="up" type="espi-feed/ApplicationInformation"/>
<link href="" rel="self" type="espi-entry/ApplicationInformation"/>
<title>Green Button Alliance Data Custodian Admin Application</title>
<espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>Green Button Alliance Example DataCustodian Admin</espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>
<espi:client_name>Green Button DataCustodian Admin</espi:client_name>
<espi:software_id>Green Button Alliance</espi:software_id>
<entry xmlns:espi="" xmlns="">
<link href="" rel="related"/>
<link href="" rel="up"/>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<title>Green Button Alliance ThirdParty Application</title>
<espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>Green Button Alliance Example Third Party Application</espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>
<espi:client_name>Green Button Third Party</espi:client_name>
<espi:software_id>Green Button Alliance Example Third Party Application</espi:software_id>
<entry xmlns:espi="" xmlns="">
<link href="" rel="related"/>
<link href="" rel="up"/>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<title>Green Button Alliance MDM Upload Application</title>
<espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>Green Button Alliance Example DMD Upload Service</espi:thirdPartyApplicationDescription>
<espi:client_name>Green Button DMD Upload Service</espi:client_name>
<espi:software_id>Green Button Allinace Example DMD Upload Service</espi:software_id>
- ^ You can learn about the data_custodian_access_token on our Access Token page.